Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Fastest Way to Get to 50 Posts in Any Forum

People may be wondering why anyone would want to get to 50 posts on a particular forum - the answer is simple!

After 50 posts, on some forums you can personal/private message (PM) anyone on the forum and this gives you an easy and discrete method of asking for ad swaps or other private arrangements so that people can promote ideas, items, or goods that might benefit both of you. This communication takes place in private so that the unwashed masses are not able to comment or criticize.

My method to getting 50 posts has three parts:

Part 1: Get familiar with the forum

* Lurk for at least 1 hour over at least 3 days - get familiar with the issues that people are having and the solutions being provided

* Look to see who the most common posters are, and figure out whether or not they are worth listening to. Remember the people who are posting helpful answers and remember the answers to common questions.

* Get familiar with the topics - are there terms that people are using that you don't understand? You can't communicate with people until you understand their language. Get the lingo down.

Part 2: Help people with problems that can be solved with a quick Google search

* Look for posts that have zero responses - figure out what they need, or a possible solution by Googling for their keywords or symptoms or problem. Posts with few answers are often silly questions by new people. Those are the kinds of questions that long time forum members get tired of answering. But that is just the kind of question you want to answer!

* Find the answer by looking through forum posts on the forum that you are on. * People ask the same question over and over and don't think to search the forum they're on! * Learn to use the search function. Most people don't and it can give you a leg up on both learning and helping others to learn.

Part 3: Respond to questions that don't require any special expertise, and also do respond to questions where you do have some knowledge

* If people want website criticism - give it to them!

* Sometimes people want feedback on an article or a personal situation - give it to them!

* If you've ever used a software product that is being asked about, and you have an opinion - give it to them!

What NOT to do!

One word responses - Don't Do This!

One word answers don't help anyone, and if there is a yes/no question - then just like you had to do in school - you have to also answer the question of why you think yes or no - a paragraph response should be no problem.

Don't be rude! You are the intruder into their group. Even if someone insults your mother, there is nothing to be gained by posting an unprofessional response. Suck it up and ask them why they feel that way ( plus you get another post!) Keep your eye on the prize.

If you ask a question - make sure that it is a good question that can't be answered by a Google search and hasn't already been asked and answered a million times before.

Some forums have a posting limit per day and it can be easy to get flagged as a spammer or as someone who isn't providing valuable content. In the beginning I suggest no more than 5 to 7 quality posts per day. This means that you will get to 50 posts in less than 10 days - even with 3 days of lurking.

Follow those simple rules and not only will you reach your desired number of posts in record time, but the long time forum members will recognize that you provide value and insight and are a valuable addition to their world, rather than a burden. They will be more likely to help YOU out in the future when you have questions.

Good Luck!

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Build Your Brand - Forums

One very effective way to build your brand and show potential clients your expertise in your chosen field is by participating in online forums. These are a great place to come together with others who share the same interests as you and for you to shine as an expert.

Forums are extremely easy to find whatever line of business you are in just go to Google and type into the search bar your subject and forum, for example "online business forums" if you are an internet marketer, you will find a huge selection to choose from no matter what market you are in.

What I suggest next would be to spend some time reading through some of these potential forums to find which ones may suit your needs the best, it is also worth while seeing which ones are the most active as you want to be in regular contact with other members, not just once in a blue moon!

Most forums will want you to sign up before you can post but usually you can read through most sections in the forums without joining, so you should be able to get a rough idea whether the forum will suit you and your needs.

Once you have picked a few forums that you like, it is worth taking the time to fill in your profile, add your photo - people like to see who they are talking to and it will make you seem more trustworthy.

If allowed add your website URL, you can sometimes add this to your signature, so every time you post people can see your link to your site, which means if you're giving great advice or help people will visit your site to find out more about you and what you offer.

When first joining the forum I think it is always a good idea if they have a welcome to new members board to post there, say hi and introduce yourself, usually you will find most members extremely welcoming as they like new input in their community.

Read any rules and sticky threads about what you can post, then start communicating with people, don't go straight in trying to sell yourself or your business let the regulars get to know and trust you, offer helpful constructive advice and stay out of any heated debates between existing members, as usually there are a couple who will always take little digs at each other, leave it to the moderators to sort out.

Once you have been a member for a couple of weeks and have joined in some conversations it is a good idea to start posting some interesting current topics that are being talked about in your industry, basically getting involved, showing you are up with the current affairs and have an opinion and importantly showing that you are someone that understands your niche!

Benefits of forum posting...

Exposure - Expose yourself and your business to potential new clients.

Gain backlinks to your website - Help improve your ranking in the search engines.

Expertise - Use your knowledge to help others.

Posting in forums really is an easy and fun way to interact with your peers and paying public, so why not get started today? Go and spend a little time researching the forums in your niche, then get posting!

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Top 4 Ways of Monetizing Your Forum

In this age of information and technology, online businesses have come a long way. A large number of people are taking up different forms of online businesses. Among the most popular businesses over the internet is running a forum or a website. However, it needs investment of a good amount. Hence, it is necessary that you earn a good amount from the forum you run to have some profit. There are a number of ways by which you can make your online forum a profit-making one. This article provides you with a few tips about increasing revenues from your online forums.

Use AdSense to Bring Money

When you are running a website by yourself, availing Google AdSense is the best possible way of monetizing your forum. You can place it anywhere on your website and get the benefit out of it.

Sell Ad Spots on Your Web Page

Sometimes, you might not be satisfied with the profit that you are earning from AdSense. You can then look for selling the spaces on your web pages yourself. You can sell the spots for banners and other forms of advertisements. This provides you with the freedom of choosing what advertisement appears on your own website page. However, while choosing the ads, you need to be careful that all of them are relevant to the products and services that your website offers.

Create a Private Members' Area and Charge for Access

Do not keep all the contents in your website accessible to the visitors. You can mark some space as members' area and charge some fees to give access to that space. You can keep the most interesting products and information in the members' area to lure potential visitors into becoming paid members of your website.

Collect Donations from Visitors

At times, you can ask some of your website visitors to donate for the maintenance of the forum. Provide an easy to use donation option on different pages of your website. Ensure that the visitors who are interested to provide money for your website can do so easily. Hence, make the procedure simple. You can also provide a donation cup on the home page at times to collect money for your forum.

These are some of the procedures you can follow to monetize your forum. Running a website involves a lot of investments and expenses. Hence, if you can monetize the forum properly, you can not only collect money for the maintenance of your website, but also make some profit out of it.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   

Finding Help at Discussion Forums Online Is Easier Than You Think!

Are you stuck with a nerve-wracking problem that seems beyond your scope of resolution? Do you want to get fast, concise and effective answers and solutions to your problems? If so, then you have to consider finding help at discussion forums. Unless you start using discussion forums, you may never really know what you are missing.

While some people are satisfied with self-help instructional guides, others want a more participant approach to solving their problems. Self-help guides may offer you plenty of tips, but not in a fulfilling way like a forum discussion. As you will come to discover, there are certain things that gravitate people toward discussion forums. Three of the most popular factors are the friendliness, bond, and outpouring help of members.

How You Stand to Benefit from Online Discussion Forums

The coolest thing about finding help at discussion forums is that so many people are willing to help you free. There are amateurs and also experts who provide real practical information. You will find a lot of advice, some helpful others just mere suggestions. Anyway, chances are high that you will find a timely advice to your problem or new perspectives to enable you deal with your problem.

Also, you don't have to wait for long to get good responses to your problems. The responses will start tricking once your question goes live. Members can offer solutions in the form of tips or simple steps that can help you resolve your problem. Still, other members may also provide leads to useful resources.

You will also find forum members more welcoming and friendly. There is a strong connection among members in discussion forums. This explains why many members offer voluntary help and follow-ups to other members who are stuck with specific problems. With timely help from friendly members, you don't really have to wait for long before you can fix your problem.

Making Good Use of Discussion Forums

Since there are so many respectable online discussion forums, you have to make up your mind about which forums you want to join. Most forums require new members to create user accounts before they start posting questions to specific problems. Once you create your account, you can initiate a discussion and wait for members to provide useful advice and information that relates to your problem.

Remember, the kind of responses that you will get depends on the nature of the problem. So, you have to have to be very specific about what you want. If you are looking for a solution to a particular problem, then you should look for topic-specific forums or forums that revolve around certain topics. For instance, if you are stuck with a technical computer problem, then you can find better help by following threads in a computer forum than in a general forum.

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Anybody familiar with Internet slang will understand a great deal of USENET slang. For example, abbreviations and acronyms are oftentimes used to make it easier to type common expressions. LOL, for instance, is used as ubiquitously on the USENET system as it is on the Internet. Likewise, abbreviations such as IRL, which means "in real life", ROTFL and all the other familiar Internet abbreviations and acronyms apply on USENET just as they do everywhere else.

There are very few unique USENET slang terms and they are mostly restricted to the descriptions of groups given in their hierarchal names. For example, the suffix misc after any group name simply means that it is a miscellaneous group that contains all of the topics that don't quite fit into the more specific topics related to its overall subject. The letter d is oftentimes added as the last part of a USENET group's hierarchal name as a way of indicating that that group exists for the purpose of discussion. This would differentiate it, for example, from a newsgroup that existed specifically for factual information about the same subject.

There are a couple of slang terms that aren't really specific to the USENET or to the Internet but which are terms that have carried over from everyday life. For example, if you're in a discussion group about movies, giving away the ending of the movie in a post would be referred to as posting a spoiler. Whenever you make such a post, you should notify the group in the subject line that it does contain a spoiler for the movie being discussed. To not do so is to breach netiquette, a slang term that describes the rules of etiquette as they apply to interaction on the World Wide Web, on the USENET or over any other digital medium.

There will be instances on the USENET when someone will try to drag you in to an argument or were you will become involved in one simply because you're passionate about the topic being discussed. When the argument truly degrades, people will begin posting in all caps. The slang term for a post written in all-caps is a flame. When you get into an argument in this way, it's called a flame war. In some cases, these flame wars are carried on mostly in jest and they provide a fun way for people to trade witty remarks at one another. In other cases they get very serious, sometimes threatening, and will result in you and the person you're involved in a flame war with being banned from the newsgroup. If you have a problem with someone on a newsgroup, ask a moderator and don't get into a flame war.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   

The Free Forum Guide: How to Start an Online Forum

To get this project started, you'll benefit by having a clear plan laid out for each step of the process. For this illustration, we're going to assume a very limited budget where most tasks, if not all, will be performed by you. The steps you may consider mapping out are as follows;

software selection finding a host setup & configuration content creation forum customization forum marketing support


To begin, you'll need to choose a software solution for your forum. While building an online discussion community can be an empowering experience, it can also get unnecessarily complicated. How complicated will depend largely on the software you choose. Assuming we're working with a tight budget, there are basically two options; either use "open-source" forum software that will still require installation, configuring and hosting, or, find a reputable free forum hosting service.

The most popular open-source software applications are probably phpBB and MyBB; SMF also deserves a mention. While these are excellent products with a wide variety of designs and options, the fact remains they must be downloaded, installed, hosted and configured before you can even use them.

Keep in mind, with limited resources, the key to building a successful forum is to stay focused on the most productive tasks. If you're more interested in building a thriving community than sharpening your programming skills, then a reliable, free forum hosting service is the more practical choice.

The primary benefit of using a free forum hosting service is that all the business of managing, updating and securing the forum is done for you. You'll never have to deal with database issues, security issues, debugging issues, hosting fees, etc. Moreover, in choosing a forum hosting service, the "setup & configuration" responsibilities mentioned above will largely be reduced to making a few customization tweaks to your new forum.


With the setup issue addressed, let's talk about content. Content is the life-blood of every forum and, in the beginning, every new forum is a dry lake bed of content. If you've created relevant, original content in the past for other purposes, consider "re-tasking" it and posting it to your new forum. Topical research, blog posts, articles, newsletter contributions are all fair game for re-posting.

Further, any research you've done can be of great interest to others and can also have significant Search Engine Optimization (SEO) value. Consider posting the results of relevant topic-specific research. Any time you spend searching for answers on the web, take note of everything you find (links, facts, statistics, etc), and post that as content. These hard-earned tidbits of information can often be of great value to others. Later, as your forum gains momentum, the solo quest for new content will diminish as your community will naturally thrive.


Typically, once you've set up your forum, it is easy to customize. If you've created a forum using one of the solutions mentioned above, finding an abundance of free "skins" and themes to personalize it shouldn't be difficult. Forum themes are easily applied to most popular forum software and installation instructions are usually readily available.


With the recent updating of Google's search algorithm (Panda/Penguin), content has become synonymous with marketing. Good content = good marketing. Keep in mind, to be SEO friendly, content should be keyword rich. Beyond good content, marketing your new forum will require reaching out to the community. Send invitations to everyone you know who might be interested (but don't spam!). Also, consider asking experts in your field to participate in relevant threads. If timed correctly (when thread participation is high), experts will often jump at the chance to share their views and promote themselves. Experts are often a big attraction and you might be surprised by the number of people who stop by your forum to chat with a "celebrity" in your field.


The one indispensable aid every aspiring forum administrator needs is a friendly, knowledgeable support community. In fact, the expertise and helpfulness of the support community should be one of the key determining factors for choosing the right forum software solution. Regardless of which software solution you choose, be sure to visit and spend some time in the support community forum before committing to your decision. Remember, even the most experienced forum administrators sometimes have questions!


To recap; building an online community takes time and planning. When done correctly, it can generate tremendous satisfaction and benefit to you as the forum owner. Whether you follow all the steps outlined above or not, do yourself this favor; plan before you build. Having a clear picture of the objective before you begin will dramatically increase the probability of realizing it.

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Forum Link Building Is a Twofold Benefit for Online Business

You can take advantage of forum link building as appropriate tool to create effective links to your business website. Forum is an active platform where people in the trade gather to discuss identical problems or situations where you are able to contribute with important information in the relevant niche to benefit each other. It is considered an important device of the SEO work of your website that needs matured and professional knowledge of the subject and effective communication power so that members are able to recognize your merit. Naturally, it requires skill and experience to contribute to forums for the essential goal to forum link building. It enhances the credibility of your business website for the content you post, which ultimately works in favor the search engine ranking position. You become known to the online community when you participate in reliable forums with professionally created content. You are judged with the worth of the contribution that you make in forums.

You should simply understand that the content that you post in the forum should be clear, attractive, well-designed and fresh information in the relevant niche. Readers will automatically recognize the merit and will definitely get engaged in the exchange of communication to acquire further information in the same subject. It is possible to divert a huge volume of traffic to your business website in quest of fresh information if you are able to perform the act of forum link building efficiently. It is the job of a professional with experience that recognizes correct forums and can create high quality content for effective communication with visitors. Engaging the visitor in a discussion is the ultimate goal in the technique, which brings the traffic flow to your site. You can expect a high rate of conversion into actual business. You will be successful in drawing the customer to the website for a business deal. On the other hand, the backlinks that you get through the posting of content in the forum work as valid backlinks and boosts up the search engine rankings of the website simultaneously. It is definitely a twofold benefit for the website owner, which should be incorporated in the strategy for gaining front-page position in the search engines.

You should leave the work of forum link building to professional link building service providers because they have the expertise and experience to make it effective for the business website. You will be able to fight competition with efficient forum posting activity that generates backlinks for the website for improved rankings.

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Forum Marketing Made Easy For Fast Results

There is nothing like the great insight that forum marketing can give you as an online business owner. Not just for sales but also as regards exposure and promotion. Free too, since participating in forums about your niche can provide you with very important information about building a strong targeted profile, that can make your forum marketing easy for fast results.

First of all, when you join forums about your niche, always adhere to the rules of the particular forum you want to explore and participate. Strictly following their guidelines, will set you safe to contribute in the right way, by always being helpful and providing good value. You want to just contribute and help others in the forum, to build your profile as someone who really is keen on listening and of being constructive, giving great value as well.

This behaviour will be very well received and will enhance your reputation and expertise in your niche. After this phase, when your relationship is well established in the forum, if the rules allow, you can begin living links to your sites, or to your squeeze pages so that you build a list of subscribers in the forum to whom you can market to later on.

When your contributions are perceived of great value by forum members, your reputation is enhanced considerably, and you do not need to repeatedly hint at your links for visits to your sites, letting instead the forum members themselves seeking you out for more information and recommendations about the product or services that you want to promote.

This behaviour has to be subtle, not pushy, and never too obvious. You just keep giving out helpful information and your posts will be very welcomed and easily acted upon, when recommendations are given about their needs and desires. This way you are the one they turn to when they need problems solved, and when this happens you are definitely on to a winning mode in that forum. Forum marketing now seems easy for fast results and earnings are escalating.

The name you use in the forums, use it as well in every project or product that you make or promote, so that people in the forums, seek you out easily in the search engines as well as your promotions of course.

If your status rises in the forum, who knows, may be even a JV with the owner of the forum is possible or you could ask other people participating, to be your affiliates. You could offer them special deals, discounts or may be higher percentages of commissions. The possibilities are enormous when your authority in the forum, as the expert giving out good recommendations, answering participant's questions etc. is well established.

Continue keeping the proper boundaries of the forum and don't promote directly your products or services until someone asks you for recommendations to your products or services. Only then, it is OK to give directions to your websites' order pages or to the relevant links that gives them what they are after.

If you remember that is never your intention to push for direct sales to the members, you are only going to concentrate on their interests and wants. Only when the participants approach you directly to a specific product or service, will you then oblige by dropping a link or send them to your squeeze pages. That is it, and don't self promote in forums ever or you risk getting banned.

So, because you are doing the correct forum marketing in your niches, according to their rules and terms, your online marketing in forums is such a great resource that is pushing your credibility and expertise sky high among the niche forum communities.

G Calvo

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How Many Forum Boards Are Too Many?

Forum boards contribute to the overall layout and design of your forum, and thus, decide its longevity. There should be serious attention to detail regarding all aspects of your forum's appearance. Most of the time Internet marketers and other administrators that make a forum structure its layout according to their forum posts, but totally forget about how different structures would lead to a tailor-made forum that is ideal for your audience.

Following are some tips on how to manage your forum boards so that the forum may not look cluttered. An uncluttered forum is one which is easy to navigate through.

1. Categorizing:

Imagine if all the entries of a forum would be uncategorized. In such a forum, it would become so difficult to even access the homepage as all the content would be thrown out in front. That is why categorizing forum posts are such an important and down to earth procedure. The key here is to make simple and logically correct categories that are easy to find. Care must be taken so that the categories are diverse enough so that sub-categories can be made in the future.

The most common mistakes that most Webmasters does are:

They assign all the posts to "general" category:

What that does is it makes the forum tedious to navigate as all the entries are put in the general category, rather than assigning them to their appropriate sections.

The categories are not diverse enough:

This is an amateur mistake that generally goes away with experience. Here, the webmasters make categories related to individual posts. By not being pro-active and not having an idea of the long term direction of the forum, even the categories become cluttered and, thus, are hard to navigate.

2. Uncluttered forum:

The most complicated and hard to navigate forums are quite often not the most informative and user- friendly. Just like having a pile of books around your room does not make you any more clever, and you basically end up having an untidy room, likewise, having a forum with too many forum boards will make the experience that much tougher for the visitor. Who wants to navigate through 50+ forum topics and nine different forum boards to get what they were looking for? One way to have a clean little simple forum is to make new forum boards only as a last resort; ideally there should be only one forum board which we will refer to as the main forum board.

This should contain all the different forum topics like a book. You see, a book also has just one contents page. Is it not tedious when we come across books that had previously compiled separately and are now merged into one; they too have more than one contents page. Although a forum is much easier and carefree to navigate, but we do not recommend having more than three or four forum boards for your website; whether it be Internet marketing or general purpose.

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How Will You Promote Your Content?

Only writing content is not enough, if you want to make use of it, you need to promote it through different medium. Nowadays, almost everything can be done online. So, content promotion should also be done through different popular websites. Now, the promotional technique may differ from person to person. If a person thinks from a link builders terms, he may promote his content by sending informal link requests to the other webmasters. These days you can also use various social media sites, which will surely help you to get popularity within a short span of time. Thus through the wide exposure, you will be able to fetch more visitors for your posts and as a result people will show their interest to link your content to their sites.

In this article we will discuss about some of the effective strategies that may help you to get more recognition and acclaim from the readers across the world. However, you should remember that it is not a one-way process. You should do something for the other writers if you want to be recognized by others. So, visit different sites, check out their blog posts, read articles and other personal and promotional contents and try to voice your comment for each of them. This will obviously make the writers happy and they will also comment on your post in return.

Mailing Lists

If you are maintaining a mailing list, never forget to share your write-up with your subscribers. In fact, thus you will also be able to send informative sales emails, which may ultimately help you to expand your sales.

Social Networks

You can share your content through any social media sites, but you will definitely get better result if you can share your piece of writing through the most popular social networks, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. So, if you do not have large connections for these networks, it is high time to concentrate on this problem.

Blogger Outreach

Apart from content you may also develop video, infographics. But whatever you develop make sure you are connecting it to bloggers and inform them about your content. Make sure in that content you have made it clear why it will be valuable to the readers. If you can highlight the value, blogger will also feel the urge to share it with their audience.

Blog Comment

Through blog comment you can also expect to get link. This is indeed an effective link building procedure. In fact, if readers start commenting on your blog, it will definitely get more exposure. So, make sure you are providing such space for your promotional purpose.

So, if you are interested to promote your content, you can find out an organization, which offers such content promotional services.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

How to Choose the Membership Site That's Best For You

There are 1,000's of membership sites for you to choose from. Here are 6 tips to make that selection just a little bit easier.

1. Be targeted. In your niche or field there are likely choices you will have to make. Are you looking for information or content that is general knowledge, very specific or something in between. Be sure you understand what you need, it will make your decision a lot easier to make.

2. You want to have information that is current. Take a look at when the site was created and when the last time information was added. It may be content that's really old. If the site is technology based and it's old, then it may not be valid anymore, or there may be other programs that make it a lot easier.

3. Choose a membership site that has the information in the format that you prefer. Depending on how you learn will be how you prefer to receive your information. Whether it be in the form of text, audio, or video. In some cases, some membership sites will provide the information in all three formats. If you are like most of people you will have a preferred way of learning. Some topics you enjoy learning one way and other different topics you enjoy learning in different way. For the personal development work that I do, I prefer audio. I like to listen while I'm driving, or while I'm commuting. But when it comes to something technical, or learning how to do something specific, then I want a video. I want step by step video on how I do a particular thing.

4. Price point. If you are a beginner in a certain area, you want to join a membership site that has different levels, so that you can grow with the site. In the beginning you'll need that beginner level, that newbie level. You don't want to have to go looking for another membership site for intermediate and advanced levels. Each of these levels will have different price points. If it's a membership site where you're only going to learn about a specific tool, or a specific topic, then that may not be important. But the price point, whether it be that small monthly fee of $27 or a larger mastermind fee of $999 per month, the choice is up to you.

5. You want a site that you are going to be able to grow with. You want to be able to grow with and you want the information to take you down the path to become an expert in that particular area. If it's a topic where you know you are going to be doing a lot of growing, you're going to be using the information for many years to come, like social media, it changes constantly, you want to make sure that there are different levels within the membership site.

6. Evaluate what's there. Take a look, see if you can find anything on the social media sites that pertain to that particular membership site. You want to Google it to so what people have to say; are they saying good things about it, bad things about it, is it mediocre? Do your own evaluation so that you will get the best possible benefit from any membership site that you choose to join.

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How To Use Forums In Your Relationship Marketing Strategies

Are forums a part of your relationship marketing strategies? Using forums in your relationship marketing strategies will make the difference between success and failure online today. There are many ways to build relationships such as blogging, social media and forums. Let's look at building relationships with forum marketing.

Forums are an excellent way to meet prospective clients, buyers and JV partners in your niche. There are thousands of forums online today. You must be selective in choosing which forums you participate in. I recommend you be active in just a few. Otherwise, your time will be consumed with forum marketing and your business will suffer.

To find the right forums to join, Google "your niche forums" for example if your niche is dog training, you would enter "dog training forums" into the Google search bar. Make sure the forums you choose to join are active, lively and of good quality. If these forums are not active then you will be wasting your time setting up your profile, starting new threads and commenting on others, if only a handful of people ever use that forum. You want to make sure that the forum you choose has dozens or more new comments topics and threads daily. It's not unusual to Google forums only to discover that many of them have not had a new topic or reply in weeks or months. These will be a waste of time and energy.

The next thing you should do to make the most of your relationship marketing strategies is to fill in your profile information making sure you use a recent photo of yourself, a description of what you do, some of your interests and likes, and of course your website. Next you will need to create a signature for all of your posts. This is very important as everything you say, regardless of whether it's a new topic thread or reply, will include your signature. Be sure to include in your signature a relevant link to either your website, opt in page to build your list or offer. Something to be aware of is that you can change this link in your signature as often as you wish depending upon what you are promoting at the time. When you change this link every topic thread or reply you have ever made within this forum will be updated with this new link. This is an awesome powerful tool! I recommend you use it to its fullest extent.

Be sure that you give relevant information, are helpful, considerate and conversational. No one pays attention or responds to someone who's constantly blasting out their products and offers. That's what the link in the signature is for. If you are seen as someone who over promotes or spams, in all likelihood you will be booted out of the forum.

Forums are an excellent way to build up your relationship marketing strategies and get to know others in your niche with similar interests. Remember the whole point is to build relationships not promote your business. That will follow as a natural progression if you're building relationships with forum marketing.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

How to Create a Website With a Successful Forum

Adding a forum to your website is a great way to have your visitors participate and communicate with you. But simply adding a forum isn't enough, we are going to help you create a forum that is both useful and successful.

Website forums are an excellent way to invite users to participate in your website. Having a strong community can also make for a valuable marketing platform, generate content and can also be used to spread the word about other services or specials your website is offering. Creating a forum is not as difficult as it may sound; all you need to do is spend a little time each week participating in your forum and create a pleasant space where your visitors feel comfortable. Below are some design tips that can help make your forum an important and successful part of your website.

Create an attractive design. The way your forum looks and feels will impact how your visitors and member see you. The more engaging, professional and customized your forum design is the more likely it is to attract new visitors and entice them to join and participate. Ensure that the look of your forum is appropriate for the type of community that is participating.

Make it easy to use. When designing your forum it is important that it is easy for participants to create new topics, access existing threads and navigate in general. To make creating topics easier for users minimizing the number of topic areas is suggested. Doing this will reduce the amount of time you will have to spend moving threads to the proper locations. Provide participants with generalized topic areas where they can easily participate.

Generate content. Generating content can be done by simply creating new threads to help the conversations thrive. You can also connect your forum to blog topics or a news feed that can be found on your website.

Promote your forum. You can promote your forum by participating or linking it to conversations that you may be a part of on social media sites. Being an active member on other forums is a great way to drive traffic to the forum on your website. This will also help your company seem more approachable by people who may not be familiar with you or your services.

Maintain a level of maturity. Forums may get out of hand by members posting negative or inappropriate comments on a thread. To avoid this it is important that you or someone else constantly moderate and maintain the level of respect you want your forum to have.

A forum is an excellent website tool to utilize. It offers members a chance to get to see the personal side of your business and not just see you as a website without a real person behind it. Forums can help generate participation and get your website some much needed attention.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   

USENET and the Arts

The Internet, of course, is one of the best venues for information about the arts. The USENET system is also a great source of information about art. In fact, some users prefer the simplified interface of the USENET newsgroups to Internet forums and other discussion venues where the forum oftentimes overwhelms the discussion itself.

USENET newsgroups that have to do with the art world are generally found under the rec - a shortened form of the word "recreation" - hierarchy. Most good USENET newsgroups dedicated to the arts are listed under the hierarchy rec.arts. By appending the name of whatever type of art you are interested in after the word "arts" and the period, you should be able to find a discussion about any form of art in which you have an interest.

Why USENET Is Still Interesting for Artists

If you're an artist and have long been lamenting the fact that socializing in person has been overshadowed by socializing online, you're not alone. Many artists feel that the fact that the Internet has made art gatherings, gallery showings and other venues where people actually showed off their art in person rather obsolete to be very disturbing and to be detrimental to the arts on the whole.

The USENET system has text posts as its main form of communication. It's hard to get overwhelmed by the simplicity of the text post. It also tends to appeal to people who like to get information online but who don't necessarily think of being online as a worthwhile endeavor in and of itself. Many of the people you'll find using the USENET system will use it to get information about a particular topic or even about a particular artist and will then look around in person for more information on their own.

A Smart Audience

Another problem that artists frequently have with the modern world is that their base of potential clients is less cultured than they were in the past. Many of the younger generation have really only experienced art in digital forms. Disciplines such as oil painting, photography that isn't digital, watercolor and other visual mediums don't get the play that they used to because of the ease and convenience of creating art on a computer. The users on USENET will likely be interested in reading about art, which means that they're not necessarily looking for webpages full of it to substitute for a visit to an actual gallery.

If you're an artist and you're looking for substantive conversations about art and want a way to network with people without having the method of networking serve as a substitute for real life meetings, USENET is something to consider. It's been around for quite a while but it's managed to remain very useful and, for many artists, it's managed to become a very important way that they advertise themselves. USENET has a lot to offer the art community. For an example of that, check out, rec.arts.television and rec.arts.cinema to see how they stack up against webpages about the same subjects, it's likely that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

Discover How Online Discussion Forums Drive Traffic and Boost Site SEO

Why build a discussion forum? Businesses use them to enhance employee productivity or communicate with customers: Sports fans use them to discuss their team's performance, schools provide educational support to students, "foodies" compare recipes, and so much more. Forum audiences are as diverse as human interests. Because of this, their reach and influence as a search marketing tool should be studied and integrated in most if not all search engine marketing strategies.

How Do Forums Work?

A forum's main topic is generally set by the owner, also known as forum administrator, but the bulk of the content is provided by members of the forum. In a forum, visitors have the ability to start "discussions" with other members in the form of topics, also known as "threads." Once a forum user (guest or member) has read a thread, they'll generally have the option to post a reply which can then be read by the community. These discussions can develop without all users needing to be online at the same time.

Forums can be thought of as containers, or archives, for information fostered by the community. Depending on the permissions community members have (as set by the forum administrator), members can post replies to existing threads and start new threads at will. Most forums allow people to browse through postings before registering and, once they feel comfortable, they can set up an account and submit their own posts.

Who Should Create a Forum?

If you're passionate about a subject, there are few better ways to indulge your enthusiasm than by creating a forum for others to share and learn about the topic you love so much. Not only can you write about something you really enjoy, meet and become friends with people that share your passion, but there is often the opportunity to make good money while you're doing it. What could possibly be better?

If you love kayaking, start a kayaking forum. If you love collecting Cherokee arrowheads, start a Cherokee arrowhead collectors forum. If you love skydiving, start a skydiving discussion forum! You can be sure of this: there will be others who share your zeal.

With over 2 billion people that now have access to the Internet, there really isn't an interest, avocation or hobby that's so obscure there aren't others who share your passion. In fact, the more eccentric and unseen the subject, the more likely it could go viral and be of interest to a much larger audience. If your forum takes off and you have a large number of people visiting it every day, selling advertising space can often generate substantial monthly income for the forum owner.

Adding Community to Your Existing Site

Building a forum community is a great way to add value to an existing site and can create a sense of belonging for your visitors. This can encourage repeat visits and generate more interest in the site as a whole. With a discussion forum, there will be richer and more varied content being added to your site. You no longer need to be the sole contributor creating content, but rather many people joining in with their opinions and perspectives will help grow your site.

Also, if you're marketing a product or service, you can generally rely on rapid and unvarnished feedback from a forum community. You can quickly find out how your product is working in the real world and respond more efficiently to customer needs. Moreover, forum communities foster personal relationships between members which can help get information rapidly disseminated as well as increase pageviews and product-use through word of mouth.

Creating a Forum

There are basically two ways to create an online discussion forum; the hard way, and the easy way. The "hard" way requires a fair amount of technical expertise and involves installing forum software on a host server, creating a database, and configuring the forum once it's been installed. Further, installed forum software will also usually require some level of ongoing maintenance to insure proper functioning.

The smart and simple way to create a discussion forum simply requires choosing a free, web-based forum host. For those of you not interested in taking on the responsibilities of installing software and configuring databases, "remote" forum hosting offers a much simpler, more reliable, and less demanding free solution. Also, remotely hosted forums can easily be linked to websites or be operated as stand-alone entities.

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

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